My first online collaboration!

I was asked by Soul Food Magazine to be a guest contributor in their Third Online Edition to their beautiful publication! I chose to contribute a practical guide to a vegan and raw vegan diet. The article, almost comically, spells out the differences and also gives some examples on how to intelligently respond to some pesky questions from friends and family we have all grown accustomed to like: where do you get your protein? and how do you get enough nutrients on a raw vegan diet?

CLICK HERE TO be directed to the website where you can download the article! You can get 20%off for the next few days by using my code: findinghealth20 !!!

Also have you ever wondered why some people consider raw vegan verses vegan? Then this is the article for you! Please download it and leave comments here on your thoughts. I'm always looking how I can improve my writing to reach more people!

I can definitely report that there were some nerves associated with writing an article to be published in someone else's publication! Having my own website definitely brings a lot comfort and safety to my articles, whereas giving my material to someone else to publish, was a bit unnerving!

The cool thing is I was yanked out of my comfort zone and asked to be an authoritative voice on this topic in this magazine, and it was fun!

I look forward to future collaborations both in other's sites as well as my own. I have had some beautiful people contact me asking to contribute, and I can't wait to share more!


*Healthspiration*: Learn a little bit more about vegan versus raw vegan and see which lifestyle resonates with you at this time.

*Opportunity Discovery*: Pull yourself out of your comfort zone and ask to write an article for a blog or website you admire. We are all looking for more ways to connect deeper with others and diversity is the key! 


Interested in working with a health coach to further discuss your healthfulness? Contact Lorna at Finding Healthfulness to set up a consultation and learn more about the coaching process!

Wishing you happiness and healthfulness on your journey. *lovelighthealth*



Lorna Ciccone

Naturopathic Doctor In-Training, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, MBA in International Business, medtech maiden turned wellness warrior