natural medicine

May I see you out?

May I see you out?

I can’t remember the last time I was this busy! While I tend to do my best work when I am overburdened and scheduled to the max, I can’t help but ask myself if I’m running from something or trying too hard. I have to say that all of these things have flowed so naturally and easily that I didn’t really question them until my mentor pointed out how attractive it is for the world to bring so many things to me… rather than allow the world to unfold for me.

Tripping into Clinical Internship...

Tripping into Clinical Internship...

Last week was rough finding time for all of my passion projects… as in I didn’t find as much as I needed. I officially started as a fourth-year naturopathic medical student, which means I began my internship. Unlike medical doctors who get four years of medical training and then multiple years of residency (the first of which is known as their internship year), we get three years of medical training and then a year of internship, all within the context of our four-year doctorate level of education.

The intern year for naturopaths is where we get to see patients and work under licensed naturopathic doctors and learn through hands-on experience. It’s also known as our clinical year, which is meant to prepare us for working as independent, licensed naturopathic doctors within a year and a half’s time.