Tripping into Clinical Internship...

Tripping into Clinical Internship...

Last week was rough finding time for all of my passion projects… as in I didn’t find as much as I needed. I officially started as a fourth-year naturopathic medical student, which means I began my internship. Unlike medical doctors who get four years of medical training and then multiple years of residency (the first of which is known as their internship year), we get three years of medical training and then a year of internship, all within the context of our four-year doctorate level of education.

The intern year for naturopaths is where we get to see patients and work under licensed naturopathic doctors and learn through hands-on experience. It’s also known as our clinical year, which is meant to prepare us for working as independent, licensed naturopathic doctors within a year and a half’s time.

What I learned yesterday... Final April Edition

What I learned yesterday... Final April Edition

Continuing from last week’s post, I wanted to let you know how the rest of my Texan travels went. Initially, I found myself very conflicted and uncomfortable with being back in Texas. Being surrounded by people who didn’t share common interests or ideals was proving to be very difficult for me. I struggled to stay pleasant and made it difficult for people to want to be around me.

I was able to connect with a friend and colleague who shared some insight with me that shifted my viewpoint and the way I interacted with my environment for the rest of the trip. This allowed me to settle in and truly enjoy the rest of my time in Texas. Read more about this conversation below…

My first online collaboration!

My first online collaboration!

Pick up Edition 3 of Soul Food Magazine at to read my article! Want a practical guide to the vegan and raw diet? Want to learn how to order out? Grab this beautiful electronic magazine to find out more and be inspired by some of the healthy raw vegan and vegan recipes inside!