
Finding 30: 5 Lessons Learned in 30 Days of Clean Eating

Finding 30: 5 Lessons Learned in 30 Days of Clean Eating

The best thing about all of this is that as you make these choices for yourself, you inspire those around you to make similar changes. Or inspire them to start thinking about changes they can make in their own lives to step into their optimal health and wellness. As you raise your vibration and your awareness, your friends have to in order to keep up. 

My first online collaboration!

My first online collaboration!

Pick up Edition 3 of Soul Food Magazine at to read my article! Want a practical guide to the vegan and raw diet? Want to learn how to order out? Grab this beautiful electronic magazine to find out more and be inspired by some of the healthy raw vegan and vegan recipes inside! 

Hey! It's National Nutrition Month! So Put Your $$$ Where Your...

Hey! It's National Nutrition Month! So Put Your $$$ Where Your...

Hi there lovelies! In honor of National Nutrition Month, I decided to take a quick minute to send you a couple of resources on diet and nutrition coming straight from our governmental agency and end with some *healthspirations* to get your food spending in alignment with your belief systems.